Commercial printers used in offices can draw 30 to 50 watts on standby.

Our visual electricity technology makes you aware and reminds you to turn it off to save energy.

There are many applications of our visual electricity technology. Some save energy - other saves lives.

Find the application that suits your business.


Visual electricity makes you aware that the boiler is on.


Visual electricity makes you aware that your car is charging.


Visual electricity makes you aware that an iron is on and reminds you to turn it off.


Visual electricity makes you aware that the computer screen is on stand by.

Turn it off and save electricity.


Visual electricity enabled standard 224/110V cables can be used with any appliance to save electricity.


Visual electricity makes you aware of the charging progress.

Intuitive feed back on the status of the charging.

Visual electricity enabled USB cables makes you aware of when your headphones are fully charged.

Intuitive feed back on that the charging has started and also when it’s done.


Visual electricity enabled USB cables can reduce power consumption.

Visual feed back reminds you to disconnect.

A visual new feature can break through the information clutter.


It’s not easy to differentiate a product, but with a feature with a clear functional purpose the difference to the competitors make sense. And if it is visual, the market communication has the potential to be cost effective.
Our visual electricity technology can be all that for the right product.
Our R&D team can help you implement the technology in your product.

Commercialised applications of our visual electricity technology.

The first application of our technology was the visual electricity enabled power strip, The PAC. Developed and marketed by Poweraware, a product company owned by PowerAware. PowerAware’s products are sold online under the PAC brand.

Poweraware also developed and marketed the first visual electricity enabled USB-cable, that became to be an internationally successful new product category. Visual electricity enabled USB-cables are today produced and sold under a license from PowerAware by a number of companies.

The first visual electricity enabled product. The PAC.

The PAC branded with the logo of a Swedish real estate company that wants to help their customers save electricity.

A USB cable made by PowerAware branded as corporate profile product .


Let your product be a part of the solution to save our world.

Contact us and we can tell you more about how you could use visual electricity in your product.